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Technology Solutions

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Today the Internet of Things connects the world and allows man and machine to communicate. Gold Coast offers equipment that utilizes technology to improve your experience and track both your output and your equipment life for ROI analysis. One such technology is BRA-IN, Bramidan Intelligence. With BRA-IN you can make faster and better decisions, reducing your costs of operation while minimizing your impact on the environment.


Information helps to manage your costs as well as become more efficient. Types of information that can be obtained:

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Soon, Gold Coast will be offering a tracking system provided by Bramidan. The advanced tracking system can be used to monitor where your compactor is when being dumped as well as locating machines across an enterprise. Tracking can be used for dumpsters, or in recycling programs such as metal boxes that contain valuable materials such as copper, brass or other materials. 


If you have a product destruction program, the tracker can be used to follow those important documents or discarded manufactured or returned items so you know it went to where it was intended. It is an anti theft and pro inventory control system all at the same time. 


Other suggestions include reusable packaging programs such as racks, bins or pallets or process control situations.  

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